Captify, Delivering a Value-Selling Evolution

Captify, Delivering a Value-Selling Evolution

Delivering a Value-Selling Evolution Return to Clients Shifting mindsets from Product-centric to Client-centric. "It is incredibly rewarding to see individuals develop in just one or two sessions. We see the proof on the subsequent sales calls. It is a wonderful...
GROUP M, Striking the balance between growth and culture

GROUP M, Striking the balance between growth and culture

Striking the balance between growth and culture Return to Clients How to do sales in a way that feels right for your people? “You understand our business and that we need to learn these skills in a way that feels creative, but also steeped in science. This felt like a...
SELECT, Empowering Meta’s Media Agency Partners to deliver more

SELECT, Empowering Meta’s Media Agency Partners to deliver more

SELECT: Empowering Meta’s Media Agency Partners to deliver more  Return to Clients Re-writing rules of engagement with industry leaders True & North continue to be integral to the successful delivery of Meta's industry leading Select program. David &...
OMD, Confidently advising clients to buy into the new

OMD, Confidently advising clients to buy into the new

Confidently advising clients to buy into the new Return to Clients Building client empathy into a marketing agency’s everyday "The True & North workshop helped reinforce our empathy-based approach and enabled our teams to have more productive conversations...